Well it's been quite a while since I've been here and there has been so much going on. We all made it threw the new year without any problems and I see that I was able to get some pictures posted back in December. I really haven't taken a lot since then but have take a few. If you are one of the people that follow this post I am sorry that it's been so long.
The winter here has been just rainy and cold. Outside has just been wet, cold, windy and muddy out. we did manage to get one ice over and a couple times it snowed but melted within a couple hours. So no great snow pictures either. Well I can't blame it all on the weather to be honest with you. Even when the sun was out and the temp was above 45 degrees I stayed at the house indoors.
We got out a couple time and that is where the title comes from. My son and I had looked at a couple of pieces of property after the first of the year and finally picked out one that we are happy with. Our intension was a little land for hunting and camping. One lot was 80 acres and all hillside. It took us a good 2 1/2 hours to get there and it was rough to walk and had been logged within the past 8 years or so. Because of that there wasn't a good canopy from the trees which gave way to a heavy undergrowth. We finally found a smaller 43 acres and were pretty happy with that area and now can go whenever we want. My daughter is already planning out some summer camping there and I am hoping to get up and catch some photos of the wildlife there. For those of you following my flicker site you have seen some of that area and for those who haven't I'll put a couple up here for you to get a idea of how pretty it is there at this time of the year. Enjoy these photos and please view the rest of them from my link on the right.